How do I find e-books?
If you are interested in finding books that are ONLY available electronically, use the Advanced Search on the library homepage. If prompted, sign into the library using your MyGate username and password.
On the Advanced Search screen, enter your search terms into each box. On the right side of the page, change your Material Type to Books and your Search Scope to Books and Media. Click Search.
After your results load, you will have some books that are electronic and some that are available in the library. To select full-text online books, click full-text online.
To read the book, click on the book title. You'll see the screen below and click on Read Online.
To download a copy onto your computer for short-term use, click on the Download tab and choose either a 1 or 7-day loan. The book will disappear from your device at the end of the loan period.