How do I access library resources or databases from off-campus?


To access items found in "Search.," you will need to use your MyGate login information. This will allow you to see all the items in the library catalog.

To access library databases and eBooks, you will need to use your Network login information. The login screen will look like this:

If you are a student and have not activated this account, see the related article "Change Network Password in MyGate."

  1. Activate the account.
  2. Exit MyGate.
  3. When you return to the library’s resources, you can immediately use this account to log in.

If you are faculty or staff, you will need to work with your departmental administrative assistant to obtain a network account.

REMEMBER: Network accounts will need to be reset every academic semester!

  • Last Updated Jan 04, 2019
  • Views 1113
  • Answered By Ashley Ireland

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