How do I submit a request to borrow a book from another library?
You will need to set up an accout with ILLiad, MSU Library's interlibrary loan system. To set up your ILLiad account, please go to Murray State's ILLiad page:
Click on the "First Time Users" link below the log-in box and fill out the registration form. At the end of the registration form, it will ask you to choose a username and password. (Anything will work, but you might want to use your Network password to make it easier to remember.)
Once you have completed the form, then you can go back to ILLiad and enter your ILLiad Username and Password and request items through ILL. When your items arrive, Access Services will send you an e-mail. If you have received a book, you can come to the library and pick it up at the Access Services office (south of the front Computer lab). If it's an article PDF, you can go to Quick Links on the left of the library homepage and then go to ILLiad. Put in your username and password. On the left click View articles. Your PDFs will be there until they expire after fifteen days. You can print them or save them.
For more help see: