How can I view examples of previous BIS theses?


The University Libraries keep copies of the most recent three years of theses from Bachelor of Integrated Studies (BIS) students. Here’s how to find them:

Finding theses online in the library catalog:

  • Go the University Libraries website.
  • Enter thesis B.I.S. in the search box. You must include the periods for the search to work.
  • Click search and you should see a list of every thesis currently in the collection.

Note: You cannot view the entire thesis online. You’ll have to come to the library to view it. It is also not possible to have them scanned and emailed to you. I suggest that you ask your BIS adviser if he/she has a copy of BIS thesis from a past student that could be emailed to you if you can't make it here in person.  I am sorry about the inconvenience.

  • Last Updated Jul 12, 2023
  • Views 234
  • Answered By Ashley Ireland

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