Where can I find New York Times or Wall Street Journal articles over International affairs involving the Internet?


You can search the New York Times by going to the "Databases A-Z" list (https://libguides.murraystate.edu/az.php) under Research Guides & Tools on the library homepage (https://lib.murraystate.edu). Click on N and find New York Times on the list. After searching your initial terms, there are limiters on the left hand side that will allow you to narrow your scope to a particular time period. Some articles will be complete on there, but others may require you to get the citation information and utilize the microfilm in the library to get the full article.

For the Wall Street Journal, click on the W on the Database A to Z list. Find the Wall Street Journal and click on the link. This takes you to the Wall Street Journal online. You can search in the upper right hand search box. Some of these articles will be available to you fully, but some may require you to get the citation information and come to the library to get the full article.

  • Last Updated Sep 29, 2022
  • Views 303
  • Answered By Jeff Henry

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