What is the best way to gather research articles as a student off campus?


When you're in a database, some full articles will be available in the database you're in. They will say "PDF" or "Linked HTML" below the brief citation. If it doesn't give you a PDF, then you can click on the yellow "GetIt@MSU" button below the citation. This will open up another window and give you a link to the full article in another database if it's available. It will give you a link to Google Scholar, so you can check there to see if the full text is available through Google Scholar. If neither of these options appear, it will still give you a link to request the article via interlibrary loan. We can usually get articles for free. If not, we'll let you know. The time it takes to get an article varies, but it's usually a few days to a week. Users can now login with their MyGate credentials to make interlibrary loan requests here: https://1165.account.worldcat.org/profile/.

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  • Last Updated Sep 29, 2022
  • Views 286
  • Answered By Candace Vance

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