How do I find a journal article?

I need to find academic journal articles and I do not know where to start.


Depending on the topic of your paper or course that you are in, you will need to go to an appropriate Research Guide located here:

  • Find the relevant subject area and choose the relevant guide.
  • Look for the "Finding Articles" tab. After selecting this tab you should be sent to a list of Databases that are appropriate for your subject area.
  • Select any of the databases and begin searching.
  • If you have been asked to find "peer-reviewed" articles, some databases will have a box that you can check to limit to only peer-reviewed publications.
  • After performing your search, you will see a list of journal articles that contain the search terms that you entered.
  • You can access the full text by clicking on the PDF full text/html full text/linked full text links that appear below the brief description of the article.
  • If you do not see one of these, you will see a yellow "Get it @ MSU" button.
  • Click on this button. Doing so will either show you that the full text of the article is available in another one of our databases, or it will provide you with a link to request the item through Interlibrary Loan.

If you have any further questions or problems, contact the Information Desk:

Phone: or 270-809-2053



Or, chat with us via the "Ask Us" tab on the right side of the Libraries' Homepage.


  • Last Updated Sep 29, 2022
  • Views 215
  • Answered By

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